The Holy Qurbana

The Holy Qurbana is the greatest among the seven sacraments and occupies the highest place, because the Church teaches us that when the priest repeats the Lord's words, "This is My Body and this is My Blood of the New Testament," (Matthew 26:26-28) while celebrating the Holy Liturgy and calls down the Holy Spirit, we confess and believe that our Lord and God Jesus Christ is present in the form of the bread and wine that has been set on the altar before the priest.


So when we receive the Holy Qurbana (Eucharist), we believe and acknowledge that we eat the Flesh and drink the Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ for eternal life that we may dwell in Him and He in us.

Jesus said to them: "Truly, truly I say to you unless you eat the Body of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you have no life in yourselves. He who eats of My Body and drinks of My Blood has eternal life; and I will raise him on the last day. For My Body truly is the food, and My Blood truly is the drink. He who eats My Body and drinks My Blood abides with Me, and I in him," (John 6:53-56).

According to our ecclesiastical tradition, the bread that is to be consecrated for Holy Qurbana is a flat cake made of wheat dough mixed with a little leaven and salt and imprinted using a special seal. Following the ancient tradition of our Church, the priest, while preparing the dough uses as yeast a portion of the dough used for baking the bread for Holy Qurbana earlier. This is an expression of the oneness and unity of the sacrament of Communion offered in our churches from the apostolic times the world over.

The priests must encourage the believers to partake of the Holy Qurbana on Sundays and the festival days. Most importantly they must take extreme care that the canons of the Church are diligently observed. The canons require all faithful that they confess their sins at least once a year and partake of the Holy Qurbana at least once a year on Maundy Thursday.

The faithful who wish to receive the Holy Qurbana must confess their sins to the priests that, with the purity of soul, become worthy to partake of the Holy Qurbana.

The priests are strictly forbidden to administer Communion to unbelievers and anyone who is under anathema or suspensions. Likewise, the Holy Qurbana must not be given to known offenders or transgressions unless they, truly and earnestly repent of their sins and unless their true remorse is known to the congregation of the faithful.

The faithful who wish to receive the Holy Qurbana must observe fast of at least three hours before partaking of the Holy Qurbana.